Emerging from the writing cave

Hi all! I’m peeking out from my writing cave with some updates!

I’m working hard on Seattle Wolf Pack #2, which is Logan Black’s story. Logan made a brief appearance in Gone with the Wolf, as Emelia’s bodyguard, and I loved him so much that he had to have a story of his own. I posted the heroine’s details on Twitter yesterday. If you’re interested, you can take a peek: @KM_Miller. And hey, follow me while you’re there. I’ll follow you back!

Umm…What else is new?

Starting tomorrow, Gone with the Wolf is going to be Kindle’s Romance Novel of the Week! I’m really, super excited about this, guys. I hope Gone with the Wolf reaches more people and everyone gets a chance to really fall in love with Drake and Emelia. I know I did. 🙂

Earlier this week, I went on a writing retreat in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. It was a blast! Susan Hatler, Sara Ramsey, Kate Perry and I each had some sort of a deadline coming up (either self or publisher imposed), so the timing was really great.

What do writers do when they first meet up, you ask?

june 2013


We gab. We drink wine. We eat cheese and crackers and chocolate. It was maybe, ten minutes of that before we buckled down and got to work. We’re dedicated, yo!

june 2013a


Our schedule? Up between 6-9. Write over breakfast until lunch. Break for lunch for 45 min or so. Back to writing until 6pm. Eat dinner. Back to writing until midnight. It was really hardcore, but in that environment, with other writers frantically writing beside me, I got A TON of words cranked out.

me and susan


That’s me and the cutie-patootie Susan taking a break. There were also breakthroughs…below is a picture of me having one:

jumping in arnold


Sara Ramsey had to leave early to get to work (boo!), but that meant that I got to ride home with the other two ladies and we had too much fun for words.


car ride


I can’t speak for the other gals, but in two days, I edited 100 pages, and wrote 40 more. It was the most I’d ever written in that amount of time, and when I got home to re-read the pages, I was shocked to find that I’m keeping almost every word! Over the course of the trip, I laughed until I cried more times than I could count. We saw beautiful birds, a jackrabbit (which made me want to put the word “jackrabbit” in my next book–it’s there), squirrels, and Susan thought she saw a bear. We weren’t worried. Kate is a ninja and would’ve taken care of us.

I’m ready to go back. 🙂

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